Henri Antoine, Hereditary Prince of Ligne

Princely Family of Ligne

HRH The Dowager Princess

  • HH Prince Wauthier
    HH Princess Regine
    • HH Prince Philippe
      HH Princess Laetitia
      • HH Prince Jean Charles
    • HH Princess Melanie Yolande
    • HH Princess Élisabeth Éléonore, Baroness Baudouin Gillès de Pelichy
  • HH Princess Anne Marie, Mrs. Mortgat
  • HI&RH Princess Christine of Orléans-Braganza
  • HH Princess Sophie, Comtesse Philippe de Nicolay
  • HH Prince Antoine
    HH Princess Jacqueline
    • HH Prince Louis
    • HH Princess Marie
    • HH Princess Florence
  • HH Princess Yolande, Mrs. Townsend

Prince Henri Antoine de Ligne was born on 1 March 1989 in Brussels, Belgium. He is the son of Michel, 14th Prince of Ligne and Princess Eleanora de Orléans-Braganza e Wittelsbach. He is the heir to head of the House of Ligne.



Henri Antoine, Hereditary Prince of Ligne
Born: 1 March 1989
Line of succession to the
headship of the House of Ligne

1st in line
Succeeded by
Prince Wauthier
Titles in pretence
Preceded by
Princess Eleonora Maria of Orléans-Braganza
Vassouras line of succession to the Brazilian throne
8th in line
Reason for succession failure:
Empire abolished in 1889
Succeeded by
Princess Alix Marie of Ligne